When St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community was founded, the charter members contemplated different models of funding the long-term needs of the parish. After considerable prayer and dialogue, the charter members decided to institute a 5% tithing model: to pledge 5% of household income to satify the financial requirements of the Parish.
Why should I tithe?
The biblical norm of tithing is a valid and laudable practice even today. This means that we give back to the Lord, in gratitude for the many gifts God has given us. Tithing, therefore,calls for a definite decision regarding our stewardship of the gifts we have received from God.
Our Creator has given each of us, in varying amounts, gifts of time, talent and treasure. We are stewards or caretakers of these gifts and have a responsibility to use them to build up the kingdom of God to build a better world and a better Church. By tithing, we give back to God a share of the treasures we have received, thereby helping to build up the Church and to aid the suffering and the needy of the world. Each family is urged to examine their financial situation honestly and fairly and to make an honest atempt to include in their budget a 5% tithe to the parish.